More Problems with Airport Searches

Over the weekend a video was leaked showing an airport officer strip search a child while his father stood near him feeling helpless and frustrated.

This new scan and search policies at the airport are causing several problems with customers including invasion of privacy. On one had it is better to be safe but on the other hand this will hurt the airline companies more than anything. The already dwindling profits at companies like Continental Airlines, Inc. (NYSE:CAL) will turn out even worst since customers are beginning to find other modes of transportation in order to avoid the public humiliation.

Ed Liston

Ed Liston is a senior contributing editor at An active market watcher and investor, Ed guides an independent team of experienced analysts and writes for multiple stock trader publications. He is widely quoted in various financial publications on the Internet. When Ed is not writing about stocks, investing in stocks, talking about stocks, or otherwise doing something stock related, he likes to go sailing and fishing.

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