Facebook Reportedly Causing Health Problems

New studies released just today show that Facebook, which is partly owned by Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has reportedly caused an asthma attack in a young individual.

Microsoft currently owns less than 2% shares in the company that has been labeled to cause several problems among young adults. Facebook has received criticism for getting people addicted to their free games and for providing a lack of personal interaction with others. This new case seems to be a result of a teenage heartbreak which leads to excessive stalking in the website. There are many disadvantages one can think of but Asthma wasn’t one of them until now.

Ed Liston

Ed Liston is a senior contributing editor at TheStockMarketWatch.com. An active market watcher and investor, Ed guides an independent team of experienced analysts and writes for multiple stock trader publications. He is widely quoted in various financial publications on the Internet. When Ed is not writing about stocks, investing in stocks, talking about stocks, or otherwise doing something stock related, he likes to go sailing and fishing.

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