Eggs Are Good For All
We all know that eggs are good for us as they provide important nutrients that are part of our balanced diet. There are those who enjoy their daily egg intake and those who must stay away from them for several reasons. Many individuals are allergic to eggs and as a result they have no choice but to stay away from them. Doctors too have been telling people with high levels of cholesterol to reduce or eliminate eggs from their diet. Due to the high cholesterol content, many heart and other patients have a negative side effect from them. Even food manufacturers are aware of the problem and now you can purchase artificial eggs from supermarkets including Weis Markets, Inc. (NYSE:WMK). Artificial eggs have a similar taste as the natural ones, but they are free from components people are allergic to. Even though they are not the real deal, many people are known to consume these artificial eggs simply due to their convenience. However, now new research shows that eggs have been taken the wrong way, for the longest time. While those with allergies will have to find alternatives, those with cholesterol problems can continue to enjoy their omelets.
While eggs still contain a certain amount of cholesterol, they are not as bad as they were thought to be. The research was done on standard large eggs and the findings show that they actually contain 14% less cholesterol. The report went further to explain that the amount of vitamin D, in new eggs has risen over 60%. This is definitely good news, as those with medical problems related to eggs, can once again start to make them a part of their diet. However, before any decision is made, it is advised that one seeks advice from professional dietitians so that they can get the proper information. This will definitely help lift the negative image that was once associated with eggs, and it may also encourage others to increase their intake. Like any other food group, too much of anything is not good, so the intake should be controlled, as it has been in the past. Eggs will provide the body with several nutrition that are known to help keep one healthy. A similar test was performed in 2002 but some of the figures were much different from the new findings. With this new report, individuals will certainly increase their intake of eggs and keep them at the top of the breakfast menu.