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Click here if you'd like to learn how. Quantum Resistant Ledger Price Today in USD - (QRLUSD) Crypto Currency Quote

(QRLUSD) Quantum Resistant Ledger Price Today

What is Quantum Resistant Ledger?

Veritaseum is a smart contracts-based, peer-to-peer wallet interface (in beta) that currently interacts with Bitcoin blockchain (to be ported to Ethereum). It allows non-technical individuals & entities to quickly create, enter and manage smart contracts directly with others without an authoritative 3rd party. It was the first of its kind written on a public or private blockchain. Problem being solved: Financial institutions that control most global transactions have a structural deficiency in their business model – overcompensation. Up to 60% of gross revenues are paid out to employees. This structural deficiency in the financial entity business model is passed as higher expenses, directly to the consumers of financial products and services. These higher expenses tend to manifest themselves in manners encompassing more than just greater cost – higher transaction friction, conflicts of interest, material counterparty and credit risks, etc. Veritaseum utilizes smart contracts and blockchain technology to enable individuals and entities to transact directly with each other in a peer-to-peer fashion, with capital escrowed to the blockchain contingent upon smart contract-enforced, mutually agreed terms. Due to the nature of these smart contracts, the agreements cannot be broken, contracts cannot be breached and most importantly, each side is forced to deliver under an and all circumstances. This is done without the highly compensated staff of extant financial entities at costs that are dramatically lower than status quo. Veritaseum is enabling software-driven peer-to-peer capital markets without brokerages, banks or traditional exchanges. Veritaseum is a software concern, not a financial concern and no actors on its platform are exposed to its balance sheet in any way, nor does Veritaseum hold, control or have the ability to frustrate access to any participant’s capital.